Linking Sites

If you are interested in becoming a sister site with any or all of FDI's sites, please submit your application to Please include: name of site owner, name of site, how many hits you site gets daily, and how it relates to FDI.

**Thanks for your interest in FDI

Looking for Writers

FDI is always looking for new, fresh writers. If you are interested in contributing to any or all of the FDI sites, please contact Any questions you may have about writing for FDI can be answered, as well. A portfolio will be expected.

FDI also accepts "Guest Writer" applications. If you only want to write one article, please submit it to the email above. If the article is choosen to to be put on the site, it becomes the property of FDI.

Story Ideas

If you are not interested in writing but have a story idea, we would love to hear it! Please send story ideas to 

**Note - After a story is submitted, it becomes the property of FDI, whether or not a writer chooses to write it. This will be assumed with the submition of the email.


If you would like to register a complaint with FDI, please send them to the appropriate writer. Issues will be taken up with the individual.


If you are interested in advertising with FDI on any or all of the FDI pages, please contact Established rates and prices will be shared via email only.

Intellectual Property

FDI respects the intellectual property of others, and it is expected that others will do the same.

If you feel that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your intellectual rights have been violated, please provide FDI with the following information:

1) A description and/or link to the work that you claim has been infringed.
2) The location of where the infringed work is on any of the FDI sites.
3) Your name, phone number, address and email.
4) Either an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyrighted material

By no means would FDI ever purposely use copywrited works.


If you are seeking permission to use FDI trademarks, logos, service marks, trade dress, slogans, screen shots, copyrighted designs, articles, or other brand features, please contact

The Authors

The authors of FDI appreciate your interest. If for any reason you would like to contact either of the authors, please email: 

CJ -
DB -